Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nebular variations...

This strange object is known as Hubble's Variable Nebula. It is suspected to be a cloud of space dust that is swirling and twirling in space. It's motion causes the light to be reflected in a multitude of different patterns which appear different every time it is viewed.

This also highlights another variable of mine. I get frustrated by the small diameter of my Intes-Micro scope this was imaged with, but love the fact that it is nearly wind-proof in the great New Mexico whirlwind where I live. I have considered selling it many times, to replace it with a Celestron 8 inch SCT or something similar. Then I get results like this image, and I am reminded why I image with this scope. On a great night, the optics are astounding, and the field is basically totally flat.

Then I think to myself, what could replace it?

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